After several anxious weeks, I finally found out yesterday that I've passed the CFA Level 1 examination - in my first attempt. It feels good, especially after knowing that only 39% of all candidates who wrote the exam passed it!
To the uninitiated, CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst - is a worldwide recognized designation conferred by the CFA Institute ( It is earned after passing three exams (levels) and by having some minimum working experience in the Investment industry.
With the latest passing rates of about 40% for Level 1, 40% for Level 2 and 50% for Level 3, simple math shows that only 8 out of every 100 candidates pass all three levels!
It is practically a requirement these days to be a CFA Charterholder to be considered for a position of an Investment/Portfolio Manager. I think I will be a good portfolio manager.
The only reason the exam is difficult is because of the depth of the material that is covered. There are 6 text books; about 700 pages each!
I will start preparing for Level 2, which is considered to be the hardest, later this year. I will write the exam in June 2009. I don't think I have enough time to study to write the exam in June 2008.
I still don't know what I want to do in my life. There are many uncertainties - I guess we all do. I just hope to make a little, give a little, and just be happy and contented! :)
If you dont know what to do, I say do everything. Try everything. Sooner or later you'll come across something you love and wouldn't mind doing it for the rest of your life.
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